Sunday, September 8, 2013

Harvest Time

High bush cranberries picked on our canoe trip
 I read these verses lately and I feel like I can really relate just now so I thought I would share them today....

Go to the ant, O sluggard,

Mara in one of my parents gardens

Observe her ways and be wise,

One of the big cabbages at my parents

Which, having no chief, officer or ruler,

Watermelons growing is always exciting

Prepares her food in the summer

The peppers are doing well this year

 and gathers her provisions in the harvest.

I think purple cabbages are beautiful

 Proverbs 6:6-8

High bush cranberry juice and grape juice- they are beautiful too.

 God has provided plenty of good things for everyone but His plan does include us doing some work. I think it is so cool that He gave us little things like ants to be an example for us. May you enjoy a week of hard work and one of experiencing and thanking God for His many blessings!

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