Saturday, January 24, 2015

Skating on the River

 Well, normally I try to do a house update on Saturdays. Though we have had progress this week I failed to take any pictures so I thought I would share some other pictures instead.

  Sometimes we need to take a break from working on the house and one that the kids have been enjoying some has been skating/playing on the river. We are not going out very far on the river as that makes me pretty nervous but near the edge the ice seems to be quite thick and so we have allowed them to create a skating area there.
 What fun to get out and play in the snow!
 Our part of the river is wide and without much current and so the ice seems to be pretty good.
 Megan had fun finding clear areas and looking down to see leaves and sticks and such below.
 Winter is definitely a beautiful season too!
 Mara bought new skates for herself this year. We did also find at least most of our skates that were in storage but I haven't gotten around to trying mine yet.
Lately we have been having unseasonably warm weather (upper 20's and evens in the 30's!). That has been quite fun but we are thankful that most of our snow is still hanging around.

  Do you like to skate or play in the snow? What is the weather like where you live?

1 comment:

Nola said...

I can't skate well but we like to go snowshoeing. We went this weekend. Our weather has been up and down...although overall milder than last winter (thankfully!!!) it was about 30 on Friday (SO nice!!) and then today much colder... -22 plus some windchill. It keeps going back and forth warmer days and then really cold ones this year. Typically we get weather this time of year from around 5 to -22 plus windchills into the -40 range at times. We have almost 3 feet of snow.


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